Learn STEM from Some of The Top Minds in the World!
(…And have lots of fun doing it!)
The STEAM (or STEM) Assembly Your Students Won’t Forget
Your students will be treated to A Multi-Media Magic Show focusing on the STEAM concepts.
This program was designed with the STEAM concepts first!
(Must be performed indoors.)
And… Since STEM is based on DIY, your students will experience Magic tricks they’ll be able to do at home (or as school projects).
In addition to the magic, your students will learn what the different STEAM careers are. How STEAM relates to Doctors & Fashion Designers & Video Game Designers and so many more.

Here’s why magic is the very best way to illustrate your STEAM program….
Magic is SCIENCE – Your students won’t believe their eyes with an experiment THEY CAN DO. Safe & slightly insane. I call it the Splash Bag 5000. But they’ll just call it fun!
Magic is TECHNOLOGY – Cell Phones, Computers, Zoom, Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok. It’s the future. It’s the now! Technology has revolutionized society. Let’s explore how!
Magic is ENGINEERING – What is engineering anyway? Engineers figure out how to make the world a better place. They’ve designed and built everything you see around you! And CAPTAIN PLASTIC will explain it all!
Magic is ART (Can be done with or without this component) – Can you imagine the work and talent it takes to create a work of art? Art’s all around us. From paintings on your wall to the artistic design of your furniture. Your students will meet a real honest-to-goodness artist (not me :0) )
Magic is MATH – Is Mathmagic even a thing? Yes! Your students will learn that certain mathematical principles will help them TELL THE FUTURE!
But the learning doesn’t stop there...
Top Minds:
Luckily, John has become friends with some of the Top Minds in the World. And he’s asked them to do short videos so students can be inspired by THE BEST. And they did it! No other assembly on the planet can offer you this bonus. You’ll hear from…..
ADAM CHEYER – Co-Inventor of SIRI (Yes, that SIRI)
STEVE TRASH – Author of “Finding your Lightbulb” and the magician that’s been on the forefront of the green movement since the 80s.
MARIO THE MAKER – Author and host of the Web-Series “What if Kids Ruled the World?” He’s the Key-Note speaker for Maker Magazine, appreared on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and is the best DIY Magician In the world.

Your students aren’t the only winners. As soon as you book, you’ll receive a teachers’ guide with puzzles and other tools that help teach each STEAM concept. You’ll be able to forward this to the teachers right away. It’s a great companion for the assembly!
It truly is All-Encompassing. You get a magic STEM/STEAM assembly, examples of careers, the Teachers’ Guide and all the other goodies.
Oh, and did I mention my own 100% Iron Clad Guarantee?!
If your students aren’t thrilled and inspired by the assembly, then you’ll get your money back. No questions asked.
“Okay, John, Everything Sounds Great…Now What?”
I am lucky enough to be performing over 40 shows a month, every month out of the year. As you can imagine, times and dates fill up very quickly. Simply pick up the phone right now and call 833-YAY-KIDS (833-929-5437) and I’ll be happy to give you a quote for your area and we can discuss availability and the details of your event. Why not do it right now while it’s still fresh in your mind. You’ll be glad you did.
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